“An absolute no-brainer”
“Fantastic super simple product!”
“Everyone here loves it”
PTO and vacation tracking, solved.
Without Timetastic, keeping track of PTO and vacations is a nightmare. Spreadsheets and shared calendars. It’s hard keeping everything up-to-date, yet another admin burden to weigh you down.
With Timetastic, you’ve got a slick way to request PTO on desktop or mobile. All your time off tracked and recorded, and your calendar instantly updated. It’s a huge weight off your shoulders.
Let’s see how Timetastic works...
It’s simple, and beautiful…
You get a slick PTO request policy
You won’t need any scrappy PTO request forms anymore. You log in to Timetastic, check the calendar, and click the days you want off work. Done in an instant.
You’ll be back in control of PTO
Every PTO request is recorded and tracked as it’s happening. You can see a tally of how many days off anyone has taken and what balance they have left.
An up-to-date vacation calendar
Feed all your bookings directly into your personal or team vacation calendar. The instant anyone books a vacation - bang, calendars and schedules are all updated.
Never forget when someone is off
Instead of coming into work and scratching your head about where someone is, Timetastic will keep you updated by sending a weekly schedule and daily notification.
An end to those messy spreadsheets
You’ll get so much time back to yourself. You won’t have to fiddle about with awkward spreadsheets, and your team won’t need to keep asking how much PTO they have left.
And you’ll never miss a birthday again
The icing on the cake! Timetastic will even tell you when it’s your colleague’s birthday, so you can organise a nice card or cake. 🎂
It’s got everything you need to keep track of PTO and your team vacations
The first thing you’ll see in Timetastic is your new interactive wall chart. At a glance you can see who’s in and who’s not. Click to request time off, use it to plan ahead, make sure busy periods are covered and avoid any clashes.
Everyone loves using Timetastic
There’s currently over 170,000 people using Timetastic to book their PTO. Instead of manually updating spreadsheets and calendars, they open up Timetastic to check their vacation allowance. Then it’s just a few clicks to book a day off.
‘Vacation and leave planning made simple.’
‘Knowing your coworkers PTO schedule was overlooked before we started using Timetastic, but now I cannot imagine life without it.’
‘Perfect vacation planner... Timetastic is definitely fantastic.’
‘No more confusion as to who is supposed to be on duty or who in-fact is on leave for the day, or absent on vacation.’
‘There is no messing about with complicated excel sheets... viewing when people are away and authorising requests is ridiculously straight forward.’
‘Previously we used an Excel spreadsheet to track holiday. Not very robust. This is far better, and it costs peanuts!’
The 5 star reviews just keep coming
Very simple to use to book holiday or working from home days.
Very easy to use, never had and issues
Easy to navigate, with a nice visulal display.
Good platform, would be great if it had a fuction for Hybric workers so you could select days when you are in th...
Public holidays
Every state is covered, from Alaska to Wyoming. Timetastic supports over 3,000 regions from around the world.
- Vacation
- Sickness
- Maternity
- Paternity
- Unpaid leave
- Bereavement
- Compassionate
- Jury duty
- Personal day
Free for your first 30 days
Your can use Timetastic completely free for 30 days, you don’t need to enter any payment details or phone numbers.
So you can start tracking PTO right away, see how it goes, check it works for you, no questions asked.
If after 30 days it’s looking good, then Timetastic is just $1.50 per user/month.
200,000+ people use Timetastic
Timetastic has been helping people book their PTO since 2012. Doctors, web design agencies, car dealers, online retailers, charities - over 8,000 businesses just like yours.